Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Should We Sustain From War with Iraq essays

Should We Sustain From War with Iraq essays Asking the question, Should we sustain from war with Iraq, in my opinion, is kind of like asking, Is it safe to give a monkey a hand-gun. Obviously, the answer is no. Obviously, I believe in comic relief. Being serious though, which this topic definateley is, Saddam Hussein is a dangerous man. Hes a threat to other nations as well as his own. He refuses to left UN Inspectors enter his restricted areas. Doing this, he is directly violating the Gulf War Treaty. Its also proven that he possess chemical and biological weapons. Removing Hussein and his regime would also help the war on terrorism since it is proven that he funds such groups. War is the only option for the United States, and its an option that will be very cheap and relatively painless. Generally, Hussein is a proven threat to international security; he is interested in developing chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons and has shown a willingness to use such weapons on Iraq's neighbors but also against Iraq's Kurdish population. Iraq has to be removed as a threat now before it has the ability to lash out at Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or US troops stationed in the region. Experts say that in less than three years Saddam will have nuclear weapons. If Iraq were to acquire Weapons of Mass Destruction it could threaten regional stability and deter any potential military action against Iraq. Hussein and his government believe that it was their possession of chemical and biological weapons that deterred the Coalition Forces from invading Iraq during Desert Storm. A WMD capable Iraq would become a regional hegemon. If Hussein develops chemical, biological or nuclear weapons he could give the weapons to terrorist organization that could use those materials against the United States or its allies. Alternatives to invasion wouldn't solve the problem. UN inspectors were unable to certify that Iraq had disarmed its WMD programs due ...

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